RAD Accelerator Circles Kick Off

RAD Accelerator Circles Kick Off We recently held our first RAD Accelerator Circle, kicking off a new initiative to accelerate Indigenous natural climate solutions. What are Accelerator Circles? Accelerator Circles are short online engagements, designed to explore innovative solutions and actionable steps forwards for place-based challenges. We convene around a project or strategic opportunity that Indigenous Nations are facing related to advancing nature-based solutions. In a small talking circle format, practitioners share their challenges and aspirations with a carefully curated panel of experienced voices who provide feedback and support. Circles bring together a small group of knowledge holders, experts, and asset stewards to listen and to share [...]

RAD Accelerator Circles Kick Off2024-07-24T15:19:04+00:00

Cultivating Capacity: A Scan of Needs & Resources for Indigenous-led Nature-based

Cultivating Capacity: A Scan of Needs & Resources for Indigenous-led Nature-based Solutions April 30, 2024 A growing number of Indigenous Nations and communities are pursuing nature-based solutions (NbS) to advance their land relationship visions. Yet, capacity gaps often pose barriers to Indigenous-led NbS. The RAD Network is well-positioned to create tools and resources to help Nations overcome those barriers, but we also know that plenty of tools already exist. So, rather than duplicating efforts, we decided to explore the questions:What capacity-building offerings are already out there and where are the gaps? Who is working on what and how can the RAD Network foster collaboration? What capacity needs [...]

Cultivating Capacity: A Scan of Needs & Resources for Indigenous-led Nature-based2024-05-03T15:08:04+00:00

Envisioning Pathways Forward

Reposted from Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership on March 13, 2024 Envisioning Pathways Forward: Reflections from the First Gathering of the RAD Network August 16, 2023 The RAD Network Operations Group would like to acknowledge and express gratitude to the many individuals who made this gathering and collaborative work possible. Woliwon, thank you, to our local hosts, guest Elders, Convenor Patricia Saulis, Facilitator Erin Dixon and Knowledge Holder Terry Young. Many thanks to the RAD Leadership Group – David Flood, Trish Nash, Steven Nitah, Kim Neale, Terry Dorward ,and Eli Enns – as well as many RAD Working Group contributors and all the participants who shared their [...]

Envisioning Pathways Forward2024-04-26T17:17:15+00:00
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